Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Plus.. a plus?

This is a plus sized model- Lexi Placourakis.

Here is another- Teer Wayde

Teer is a curvy woman, perhaps outside what most Westerners would consider an "ideal" size, while Lexi?  I cannot see how on earth this woman was classified as a "plus sized" model.

In any case, these two women are absolutely gorgeous, normal, healthy looking women.  Though I would not want to return to the misogynistic world of the 1950's, the aesthetic of female beauty of that decade appeals to me far more than any decade that follows.  When did curves become unattractive things to eradicate? How can anyone not recognize the lush beauty of these two women?

*scratches head*  Carry on...

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Consistency, people.

Listen up, fellow progressives.  This is important. One thing we do very well is to call out the hypocrisy of the Christian Right.  And b...