'Tis the season where I start seeing angry FB rants about hearing "Happy Holidays", rather than "Merry Christmas". I know there are those who are equally offended to hear "Merry Christmas", if they do not celebrate this holiday, but for some reason, I never see the complaints in my feed. I have seen people posting that they will refuse to do business with retailers where "Happy Holidays" is used, and I have heard retail employees recount stories of being barked at and lectured. I am scratching my head that people are so easily offended when people are truly trying to be nice and inclusive. And I feel bad for the employees who are often overwhelmed and exhausted, and can't seem to win either way.
First of all, I actually can empathize with Christians, who may mourn what they see as "taking the Christ out of Christmas". I am an agnostic, but I celebrate Christmas culturally. I put up a Christmas tree, not a "holiday tree". I like the sound of "Merry Christmas", as I grew up hearing it. And, I'll admit, I enjoy old fashioned Christmas pageants. I listen to both secular and sacred Christmas music, and have fond memories of sing-alongs to "The Messiah". Christmas is part of my culture, and I can see how Christians can feel that their holiday is lost to a generic Holiday goo. That said, I think Christmas as a religious holiday has long jumped the shark, due to mass commercialization and materialistic shopping frenzies. I do not recall any mention of people coming to fisticuffs over big screen TVs in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, and Christmas to most Americans is more about consumerism and excess than it is about Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
If I do not know you, I will likely greet you with "Happy Holidays", and if you are offended by this, it's your issue. I don't know if you are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or a non-believer, and since "Happy Holidays" celebrates all holidays, you're covered in all cases. If I know you, I will greet you with the specific holiday greeting you prefer. And if you tell me your preference, I have no issue with addressing you in that way. You can feel free to greet me with whatever you find most comfortable. I am just happy to be greeted. In a world where people are often cruel to one another, any kind of pleasant greeting gives me warm fuzzies.
I would advise Christians who are offended by the loss of "Christ in Christmas" to direct their ire to retailers and materialism in our culture, rather than at the poor, hapless retail employees working their tails off and following, most likely, the instructions of their employers. Try jumping off the commercial treadmill and bake or make crafts. Visit a rest home and sing Christmas carols to lonely seniors. Give your family your time, rather than spending hours in the mall. And for God's sake, stop setting up your tents in front of Best Buy during Thanksgiving. It's tacky and gross. We are choosing this year to minimize the focus on gift-giving. Sadie is going to get 3 presents, one of which is coming from Craigslist, and perhaps a few books. We tend to not exchange purchased gifts with other adults, other than parents, though I may do some baking this year. And I will not set one toe in the mall.
In any case, it might be helpful to remember that most of us are stumbling around, trying to be friendly and non-offensive, but it's a crapshoot. I want to share holiday cheer and be kind, but I can't look at you and tell what will and will not offend you. Give those of us who are trying to be friendly a break, please. At least I'm not telling you to go @#$# yourself, right? And Happy Holidays/Happy Hanukkah/Merry Christmas/Happy Whatever you observe- ok?
Monday, December 2, 2013
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